How do i find documentaries on hate crimes? Or things about the law dealing with hate crimes?


Thank you for contacting the James E. Shepard Memorial Library. If I understand your question you would like to find documentaries about hate crimes. Shepard Library has a database called Films on Demand that will provide you with documentaries. To access Films on Demand please follow these steps.

Go to Shepard Library homepage:

If you are off campus here are directions to access resources off campus: (you must first log into the off campus EZ Proxy system in order to fully access databases from off campus)

Once you are on the Shepard Library website under the Find heading you will see a link for Article/Databases, click on that link.

At this top you will see the alphabet list, click on F

Select Films on Demand and in the search box type in hate crimes and you will see films about hate crimes.

Select the database Criminology or Science Direct and you can search and find articles about hate crimes. The database Statistical Abstracts of the United States will give you statistics from the census and U.S. government agencies. 

Select the database LexisNexis Academic or Westlaw Next to research laws relating to hate crimes. 

Please contact the James E. Shepard Memorial Library if you have other questions or if you need clarification. If you have questions and want to speak to a librarian the Reference Desk at the James E. Shepard Memorial Library please call 919-530-6473.

-James E. Shepard Memorial Library

  • Last Updated Nov 01, 2018
  • Views 38
  • Answered By Danielle Colbert-Lewis

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